Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Matter Of Opinion On Eating Meat Essay - 1152 Words

A Matter of Opinion To eat or not to eat meat is a choice. There is no right or wrong answer, and to say there is, results in failure to acknowledge both sides and their perspective. Personally, I consume meat not because I think it is better, but because I have been raised to do so. Besides that, I believe the body biologically has many benefits of consuming meat, all while having the ability to be done ethically. One reason I find eating meat justifiable, is due to being raised in an environment where consuming meat is socially acceptable. The Bible even states in Genesis 9:3, â€Å"Every moving thing that moves shall be food for you.† I have never been told by my parents or peers that eating meat is a terrible sin or act. I view the consumption of meat as being morally ethical, but others of course will undeniably disagree with me due to the possible fact of how they were nurtured. A counterpoint to my statement is that being raised in a meat eating culture explains why I like eating meat but simply does not justify it. Although that may be true, if the human race decided to no longer eat meat, it runs the risk of compromising who I am as a person, but also endangers the human race genetically and or socially as a whole. Being able to consume meat gives me pleasure, and in a stressful world full of uncertainty, pleasure is good for the mind and body. Ultimately, I see nothing wrong in being an omnivore and I have no intentions of changing my preference in what I eat. InShow MoreRelatedA Carnivores Credo By Roger Scruton Analysis720 Words   |  3 Pages An intense, aggressive moral scrutiny has sparked interest in the meat eating community. Eating is an activity that we as humans do frequently, and the variety of food is immense. We decide what we are about to eat and how it will affect our bodies. 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